Highline College

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MyAccess 2023-02-22T08:11:41+00:00

MyAccess Portal

Welcome Access Services students!

If you are a new student who has never requested accommodation services or connected with Access Services at Highline in the past, you will need to complete our Access Services online application form.

If you are already receiving accommodations from Access Services, you should be able to log in to the MyAccess portal and request your accommodations.

If you would like to make any changes to your letter of accommodation, please contact Access Services.

Requesting Your Letter of Accommodation

Please remember to request your Letter of Accommodation during the first week of each quarter.

  1. Log in to MyAccess using your Highline credentials (the same Highline username and password you use to log in to Canvas).
  2. Once logged in you will see your classes listed. Place a checkmark in the box next to any class(es) in which you would like to use your accommodations.
  3. Select the button that says “Step 2 – Continue to your accommodations”.
  4. All approved accommodations are checked for all classes by default. If there is an accommodation you feel you do not need or want for a class you can uncheck the box for that accommodation and class.
  5. Select “Submit your accommodation request”, located at the bottom of the page.
  6. That’s it! Your Letter of Accommodation (LOA) will be automatically generated and emailed to your instructor(s).

It is very important that you make contact with each instructor to make sure they received your LOA and to discuss how your accommodations will apply in their course.